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Janet L. Lazo-Davis

Dan T. Davis



Second Star Creations

Infertility’s Anguish

Everyone Else Is Pregnant, Why Not Us?

Exploring the Emotions of Infertility

by Jan & Dan Davis


Finally! A book that's been written for me!, December 2003
Reviewer: Diane Black, founder of Childless, Not By Choice
No Nonsense!
After having read many books about the journey of being childless, not by choice, this book covers the subject in a way that none others have. It includes practical real-life feelings, emotions, and tips on how to endure such a heartache as never being able to conceive. I feel the best part is that it is written by both the husband AND wife. I would definitely advise even those who may know of couples who are learning how to live childless in a child-filled world to read this book as it discusses all angles of our loss. It can assist those who are closest to such a couple to really and truly understand the struggles we all face. Jan and Dan... you've done an excellent job in portraying 'life without kids' by circumstance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'll be recommending this book to everyone in my circle of childless not by choice friends! A must for both male and female to read.


Wonderful book!, October, 2003
Reviewer: A reader from Cincinnati, OH USA
Infertility's Anguish is a practical as well as a philosophical book. It conveys heartfelt grief yet can make the reader laugh. It is a very personal story of one couple, interspersed with anecdotes from interviews with others on the same infertility journey. The section on dealing with emotions was particularly helpful, both for men and women. Without giving away the end results of this couple's struggle, I will say that the book does a great job of dealing with resolution after years of searching. This book can help families and friends of infertile couples understand the ups and downs of infertility, as well as couples in the middle of anguish at this time.


A Must-Read Infertility Book, September, 2003
Reviewer: Mary Holloway from Orlando, FL USA
This fantastic book, written by an exceptional couple who have experienced the anguish of infertility, relates stories shared by many couples who have dealt with infertility. While being an easy read, it covers difficult topics from "Realizing There's a Problem" to "Moving on with Your Life." Individual vignettes illustrate topics such as "We Won't Be Home For Christmas" and "Have We Done Something Wrong?"

I highly recommend Infertility's Anguish for couples experiencing infertility. This book is also a "must read" for the couple's family and friends. Readers will profit from the wisdom in the stories and gain a better understanding of the couple's journey. In the process, family and friends will see how they can be sensitive and supportive.

With more and more couples experiencing infertility, this is a timely book. I looked for this book ten years ago when my daughter and son-in-law started their journey with infertility. A book such as this simply didn't exist.

Updated: January 29, 2004